Hot Rain

That was an extreme and interesting session with Tanita, actually I envied her and I wished I could have got soaked by those hot wax drops too. Maybe next time…

Master built an evil device again – a  metal frame (made of aluminium bars) which was planned to use as a special candelabra.

He placed the red table candles horizontally, side by side and in the opposite direction on the central part of the frame. Every single candle was attached to the frame with a rubber band and the whole thing was fixed to the ceiling with a rope in a special way – through a pulley and a hook  – and the end of the rope was in my hand giving me the power to control the movement of the device.

The frame looked like a weird chandelier and there was nothing else to do than to make some light for poor Tanita who was laying on the floor tied up under the candles.

After lighting up the candles, the situation got hotter and hotter especially for Tanita. More and more hot wax drops hit her defenseless body and she tried to escape but the shockingly fearful cattle prod helped me to shepherd my foolish pet to keep under the hot rain.

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Nettle Vase

In the end of summer and after their blooming the old nettles have stronger stinging hairs and their stem is almost as tough as a tree branch.  And there is nothing better than a good pussy whipping with those hard-stemmed nettles. Tanita got it.

After some harsh lashes, her pussy and asshole was getting more and more red and swollen. It was time to give her a vigorous massage rubbing the stinging nettles to her most sensitive areas.

Then her pussy was filled with the green stinging stuff and I gave her a vaginal massage pushing a black dildo deep inside her pussy.

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Just a short story about this outdoor session. It was about not only the pain but doing something bizarre.

I am very enthusiastic about stuffing my pussy with different kind of things especially with the bounties of the nature like beautiful wild flowers :) The huge red poppy fields always charmed me and I wanted to dive into that sanguine flower sea.

My wish came true when we drove home from our last trip and I spotted a poppy field next to the motorway. Fortunately the camera and my backpack with some bdsm accessories is always with us so we left the road and headed toward the red meadow.

Stuffing my pussy and decorating my tits and pussy with those silky red flowers was an interesting mix of bizarre creativity and pain.

In Persian literature, red corn poppy flowers are considered the flower of love so I hope it is forgivable that I took them home in my pussy. After getting home, I had a bath and pushed the beautiful flower bath ball out coloring the water reddish while the ball was falling into tiny parts. In that special floral bath, I started to play with myself using the water spout and the orgasms just came one after one.

Happy Birthday

My birthday was on 19th June – I rather don’t tell you the number of years, I’m too old :) – and I decided to make it memorable.

I have dreamed about being used like an object and humiliated by girls for a very long time and now I wanted that dream to come true so I asked my girlfriends to take revenge on me for all the pain I caused them before and to disgrace me the most evil and degrading way as they can.

Well, they really did their best to fulfill my weird birthday wish, they changed to angry, furious, grim bitches and enjoyed my humiliation immensely.

When they arrived in the evening we had some chit-chat and then I served them a beautiful birthday parfait cake – on my naked body. I offered them myself not just as a serving plate but as a plaything to do anything they want to.

As I was laying on the floor and watched them kissing, I got so aroused by seeing their passionate love and their super sexy long legs and pussy from beneath but I held back my feelings, I had to, I was just an object for them this time without thoughts and senses.

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The first time when I heard about vaginal casting was when a nice artist told me about that and then he asked me to do it. I loved the idea and decided to make a try. I didn’t know anything about the casting process, I am not a sculptor so I made a little research about this theme using the information I got from him. I found some photos about vagina statues made of wax, they were simply amazing!

Although I would also love to have a wax statue of my vagina, first I just wanted to know how it feels when my pussy is fully filled with that weird stuff and what is my “size”.

To find and get the right material wasn’t an easy job but finally I found it in a dentist supply store. I realized that the best material for a first time moulding is a kind of dental alginate that is normally used in the mouth to cast the teeth. It’s a goo which sets into rubber in 1-2 minutes and it has a mint taste :), it’s completely safe, nothing toxic. Though alginate is not as durable and detailed as silicone, it’s the easiest and the fastest way to cast the body parts and in this case the vagina, so I definitely suggest you to try it with your girlfriend.

When I talked to Tanita about my casting plans, she also became excited to try it out so finally we decided to make a movie about this new experience mixing it with some fear factor and pain.

Continue reading “Moulage”

Black Angel I

Getting back to my Christmas “horror” story, after my whole body met the tiny natural needles my vagina got into the spotlight. My master gave me a wine glass to fill it up with small pieces of pine branches (I cut down their tips). Knowing the effects on my skin, I was very scared of stuffing my pussy with needle leaves but I was excited too at the same time.

After opening my vagina with the speculum I started to push them in, it wasn’t easy because they prickled me not just inside but my fingers too. When my cunny became full, I started to pull out the speculum very slowly. It was very painful, the sharp needles were scratching the wall of my vag.

I failed to keep them inside so almost every piece of the tiny branches was pulled out together with the dilator. My master ordered me to stuff my pussy again, he wanted to see those prickly things inside.

I was very angry, I didn’t want to make it again but I had no choice so I took the spec again and filled up my vag. This time I succeeded to keep the whole stuff inside after removing the stretching device. He wanted to enjoy the spectacle so I had to push out my pussy many times for his pleasure and then I pushed the rest of the needle leaves in with my finger as deep as I could.

Continue reading “Black Angel I”

Shards in my pussy

If you are really into BDSM, you know that when you go to a DIY (do it yourself) or design store to get some repairing or building stuff, you can always find interesting things to use in your BDSM games. Those stores are real treasure-house for us. It’s so funny by the way when the salesman wants to help us and asks about our purposes. If he would know… LOL

This time we found new BDSM toys again: shards of glass for decorations. As I saw them in the store, I knew that I would love to “decorate” my vagina with them :).

First I wanted to know how it feels like on my skin so I poured some shards under my tight top and my panties and rubbing them on my breasts and pussy. It was like a harsh massage, pleasurable and a little bit painful.

To feel more pain I rolled on the shards back and forth and did some push ups and let my body falling suddenly on the shards. They caused some minor cuts and scratches on my skin but they seemed to be safe to use inside my pussy. Lying on that harsh carpet, I was fisting myself for a while then I put the speculum in and started to pour the small pieces of glass into my vagina. I wanted to stuff my pussy with as much shards as possible so I pushed them in with my fingers and my pussy just sucked the stuff in. After removing the dilator my pussy was full of shards. It was a weird feeling, I had a pressure on my bladder so I wasn’t able to hold back my pee. I peed like a horse into the empty box of shards.

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The Bait II

After the painful part I almost wished having a bath together with a dozen of leeches :).  I was laying in the bath, my arms were bound behind me by leather belts and the fishing-lines were attached to my toes to stretch my pussy lips. As the cold water filled the bath, I was shivering. Then my master put a plastic, see-through box on the water.

There were 12 leeches on this boat and as they were sailing in the bath, their boat started to fill up with water and sink slowly. I think they really enjoyed being shipwrecked :). They find their way to my body easily and started to crawl and explore the “island”.  It wasn’t so scary as I expected and mainly there wasn’t any pain.

When the speculum was inserted and stretched my vagina open, I was getting frightened. My master took 3 leeches and threw them in. I felt the cold of the leeches’ body and as they were moving deep inside me. It was a weird feeling and I was afraid that one of them discover the enter of my cervix and crawl into my uterus. It was a stupid fear anyway because they were too big to go through.

I think I fulfilled those people’s wishes who voted on putting worms into my pussy :), at least it was a good first experience for me with worms.

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The Bait I

When my master showed me a video of a japan girl laying in a plexi box and being covered with insects and then her opened pussy was filled with worms, I was surprised at my own reaction, I was aroused and turned on watching her agony. It wasn’t about the pain but it was so humiliating and bizarre that I wished I was her.

The leeches are also worms and my master had planned to use them on my body or maybe inside my pussy for a very long time. Since you guys also were enthusiastic about leeches, my master ordered me to get them.

I must mention that he has already tried to catch some leeches in our natural waters using me as a bait but no success so far. I realized that my only chance to get some leeches was the fishing stores. Finally I found the right place and the right leeches. I was so excited and frightened, I had read a lot about leech bite so I learned that it isn’t painful moreover it is healthy but I had no idea what happens if they go into my pussy. My master insisted on putting leeches in and he wanted me to offer them my opened pussy. I liked Brody’s idea about fishing hooks so he decided to pierce my outer labias with the hooks to open them up. I was so frightened that I almost forgot the leeches. I have never tried fishing hooks before and I suspected that they caused more intense pain than pins or needles.

Continue reading “The Bait I”

Stone Womb

Since you guys apparently liked this movie, I’m going to tell you how it was made and what I felt when my pussy was completely loaded with stones.

We were on our vacation in Croatia that is the wildest and one of the most beautiful countries in the world – at least for me :). When we walk and hike far enough, we always find places to enjoy the nature in private.

This time we found an amazing cove sheltered by huge rocks. My naked body was dripping sweat, I couldn’t wait to cool down in the sea. The place seemed to be ideal for a stony play.

Despite of my fear of being hurt inside by the stones, I wanted to know how it was like to be filled up with those cold salty stones. It wasn’t easy to use a speculum on myself, but finally I found the right position and I started to pour the stones in. I felt a very mild pain as the stones fell on my cervix, the more stones were inside the more pleasure was my reward.

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