Kickstarter – QS vs Nazryana –

In a fierce competition, Nazryana and Queensnake clashed in a test of endurance for their vulnerable pussies. The intense pain from each kick was amplified by vacuum pumps that had already stretched their snatches to the limit. The pussy-kicking duel ultimately ended in a stalemate, both girls’ cunts raw and throbbing from the ordeal. However, when it came to orgasms, Nazryana took the lead with powerful squirt directly into Queensnake’s humiliated face.

Dressed Cunt – QS –

Jessica backed out on our scheduled dressed cunt buster session for the second time in a row, leaving me as the replacement. I get why Jessica was scared – Nazryana is quite the mean whipper. She hit my pussy with such force that it almost split me open! And to make things worse, my clit was right in the path of the strikes, making it ten times swollen and sensitive by the end of the session. You might not know this, but I’m currently working on growing my clit with some T gel, which has made it not only bigger but also much more sensitive. That means pussy whippings are way more painful now than they used to be when my clit was tiny!

Amber Flow – Holly –

Holly is one kinky gal! She loves both pain and humiliation play. During this session, she got herself a face strap-on and was compelled to pleasure our pussies with it while we peed all over her. Yikes! But that wasn’t enough for her – she also put on a mouth spreader and let us fill her up with squirts and pee. Talk about thirsty! Finally, we put her in a clear box and showered her face and mouth with more pee until she looked like a wet puppy.


Abby has got some serious love for screws! To show us just how much, she hammered two of them right into her nipples with a screwdriver. But first, she made sure they were nice and secure by using lots of nails to attach them to wooden beam. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Abby went ahead and set fire to those sexy little screws and nails on her nipples, all while smoking a fancy cigar! Talk about turning up the heat – this girl knows how to have fun, and boy did she have an amazing time! She ended up having a super wet orgasm!

A side note for this post. This movie was originally shot to but we had to remove it from there because our payment provider said that it was against their rules. I and Abby are very sad about this, because she enjoyed this session so much and there was not even a tiny blood which is unbelievable by the way and of course no permanent damage either. It was a clean, pure and I think kind of artistic masochist performance from Abby. It is a shame that we had to remove it. Now it is available only for bitcoin on

TRX – Holly

Holly is a gym addict girl, now she performs some TRX workout while Jessica motivates her with a riding crop. Six different excercises and twenty hits in each series, that is altogether 120 impacts on her muscular body. Not bad.


Power Saw Brush – Nazryana

Jessica pushed a banana into Nazryana’s pussy and stirred it up by using a power saw with different attachments. First a big, red dildo, then a prickly hairbrush and finally a toilet brush. In the end there was a real mess when Nazryana pushed the banana pussy juice out and Jessica squirt on her while made her to eat it up all.


New movie on – Cunt Duel – Holly vs Nazryana

The girls love the cunt duel series, I hope you do as well. There is nothing better than taking revenge on the punisher and there is no better than watching two girls fighting. In this episode you can watch how cruel Nazryana is and how good-hearted Holly is when it is about the strength of pussy whipping. Nazryana almost cuts Holly in half from the beginning, no warming up or mercy, still Holly is not able to take a good revenge on Nazryana although she had the chance since she seems stronger and more muscular than her opponent. The girls hit ten strokes on each other’s pussy in each round one after the other, and if someone collapses an extra whip lash comes to the pussy. None of the girls collapses unfortunately, so in the end both of them gets 60-60 lashes on their pussy. It was funny to see that Nazryana’s pussy is almost unharmed while Holly’s pussy looks like a raw meat after finishing the duel.


New movie on – Nude Gardening

Nazryana celebrated Nude Gardening Day (which was a few weeks ago) perverting around the garden obviously. First she raked a bunch of dry and pricky pine needles, made a dildo shaped bunch and squeezed it up into her vagina. It was too thorny even for her hands but yet she managed to push it up almost completely. Actually she improvised this part on her own, when I saw what she was going to do I almost stopped the shooting because I considered it impossible. Yet she did it. Next she collected a big ball of dirty dandelions and pushed that up as well. After pushing it out while squirting she forked a fistful of the urine soaked soil with her fingers and stuffed her vagina with the filthy muddy mossy soil.


New movie on – Faux Cactus

In this session Nazryana had to squeeze three kind of faux, potted plants into her pussy – two cactii and some random evergreen. Although made of plastic, the plants were thorny and hairy and very difficult and painful to push in. The potted evergreen was tricky, Nazryana pushed it in pot first, and because of the rigid sharp rim of the pot she had some terrified moments that she wouldn’t be able to push it out.


New movie on – Office Staples – Abby

Abby is definitely the most masochistic girl of all of us, still she was so afraid of the staple gun that for a long time she refused to try it at all. But now she got in deep water. I stapled her nipples and inner labias with an office stapler. It does not just shoot the staple into the flesh but it bends the tips together that is why it is way more painful than a regular staple gun that we usually use. To top it all of her pain I whipped her stapled pussy until I had squirted on her body and in the end of course she also got her well-deserved orgasm.


New movie on – Cunt Duel – Nazryana vs QS

There is nothing better than starting the New Year with a delicious pussy whipping, more exactly with a friendly cunt duel with N azryana. The rules were very simple. Each of us had to bear 10 whip lashes in a row on the pussy delivered with a dragon tail whip. When one of us collapsed, she had one more. In the end I had 60, Nazryana had 71 pussy strokes. Happy New Year!


New movie on – Crotch Rope – Nazryana

Nazryana has to stand with her legs open, on tip toes and her hands tied up while she is wearing a rough rope tanga which has 2 kgs and later 5 kgs weights attached to it. This way the rope cuts into her pussy deeper and deeper especially when I swing the weights or when I add my own weight to it. And another bonus for her is some caning and spanking on her butts and tits with a wooden stick and with a riding crop.
