Shards in my pussy

If you are really into BDSM, you know that when you go to a DIY (do it yourself) or design store to get some repairing or building stuff, you can always find interesting things to use in your BDSM games. Those stores are real treasure-house for us. It’s so funny by the way when the salesman wants to help us and asks about our purposes. If he would know… LOL

This time we found new BDSM toys again: shards of glass for decorations. As I saw them in the store, I knew that I would love to “decorate” my vagina with them :).

First I wanted to know how it feels like on my skin so I poured some shards under my tight top and my panties and rubbing them on my breasts and pussy. It was like a harsh massage, pleasurable and a little bit painful.

To feel more pain I rolled on the shards back and forth and did some push ups and let my body falling suddenly on the shards. They caused some minor cuts and scratches on my skin but they seemed to be safe to use inside my pussy. Lying on that harsh carpet, I was fisting myself for a while then I put the speculum in and started to pour the small pieces of glass into my vagina. I wanted to stuff my pussy with as much shards as possible so I pushed them in with my fingers and my pussy just sucked the stuff in. After removing the dilator my pussy was full of shards. It was a weird feeling, I had a pressure on my bladder so I wasn’t able to hold back my pee. I peed like a horse into the empty box of shards.

Then I put my panties on and took a staple gun to fix the textile to my pussy preventing the shards to come out :). Ouch, it was very hard to staple my own pussy because I wasn’t able to hold the gun in the right position to push it easily, I didn’t see where to shoot the staples and to top it all my hands were shaking of fear. Actually the first one was very close to my clit and it was so painful that I had to stop for a while.  I shot many staples, each one was very painful so I thought that my pussy had been already full of staples but only a few were in my flesh. After a while I wasn’t able to take more pain and I couldn’t wait to take off my panties. Originally I should have done it in public but it got dark outside so finally we stayed at home.

I never thought that taking off my panties could be so painful, LOL. Two staples stuck so deep into my flesh that I hardly was able to pull them out. After getting rid of my panties and the staples I started to play with the shards in my pussy while I was trying to remove them. I put my fingers in and moved them to mix the stuff. I heard that weird sound as every piece of glass was rubbing against each other and I felt like having a hard massage inside, it was creepy but I enjoyed it.  After removing some stuff I fisted myself and pushed the shards against my cervix. Then I pushed a small vibrator to my clit and in a short time I squirted all over.

To make easier to remove the stuff I took the plastic box that was full of my pee and started to pour into my pussy. Mixing my pee and the shards inside by rubbing them with my fist had so weird sound, it could be an interesting musical instrument :D. Just listen!

26 Replies to “Shards in my pussy”

  1. Wow that is amazing I would love to have helped u or even gpt the same thing
    Done to me I love pain

  2. have you ever measured how much your bursting bladder holds? I’d love to see that. your sexy thin ripped body with a bulging full bladder squatting and releasing it showing how much you can pee before exploding. :)

  3. the pee was really hot. i’m really into that. how far can you push your bladder? drink tons of water and torture your bladder until it nearly explodes? then pee your endless torrent into a vessel of some sort…showing how full your bladder was. show me how much liquid pain you can deal with. :)

    1. I like peeing like a horse! :) It can be a kind of torture if you are not allowed to pee for long time while you have to drink more and more until you feel your bladder explodes.

  4. Maybe a horse bare back or tight panty riding session with stuffed vag with shards, or nettles

  5. Maybe try some crushed candy cane, it breaks just like glass shards, the benifit is it is with pepermint, so whe the shards scratch the inside of your vag wall the pepermint sting will soon follow. My sub loves it. She goes out for 2-3 hours in the mall completely filled up, her own pussy juice mingling with the candy shards, making the mint cover her inner walls and scratches. BTW she loved using the stairs n the mall. added to the experience happening inside her. She ened the day riding one of those kids mechanical horses

  6. Get a string made of cotton 1in x 48in long tie knots all in it and stuff it for 12 to 24 hours. Pull it out slowly and can even have sex with it inside you. For me it hits my g spot and fells great during sex and just walking around. After you remove it from its 12 to 24 hour tour let all the pussy juice dry it will be stiff and course then restuff. I love the pain of dryed pussy juiced string. Try it post some pic and thoughts. I love it. Ps. Leave a bit hanging out

  7. Hi queensnake, I’m new to the site and think it is absolutely amazing, i love it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences with us :) you could perhaps staple some christmas decorations to your body (know its similar to what you have done before but i think it could look good) antwat thank you!

        1. Yes, it was the longest torture (220 minutes, all recorded, 16 GB) in my life and it was way too weird and hard, as usual. My whole body is stiff and full of tiny scratches. I am working now on the blog entry about that unusual experience.
          The first part will be online tonight ;)

  8. How about a special christmas event. Glass decorations or something creative. Decorate your bady for the season!

  9. This is why you are the best! Simply amazing, and constantly challenging yourself! Love it! Keep it up!

  10. I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless. You and your Master have outdone yourselves this time. I’m off to the clip store.

  11. Brj Queensnake, si votre maitre introduit un fer friser dans votre sexe et le chauffer à l’intérieur…combien de temps tiendrez vous ??

  12. Simply AMAZING! I can think of no other words for it. Thank you, Queensnake!

    Looking forward to part 2.


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