Hirudo MD

I have been feeling so dizzy and weak for days now probably because I lost too much blood. Three days ago I attached six medical leeches to my nipples and I am bleeding since then. Leech therapy and heavy menstrual bleeding at the same time is proven to be too much for me. And to top it all, I will have a dental surgery tomorrow. Bad timing. Hopefully I will survive :)

Anyway, those little blood suckers are wonderful creatures. For me it was the very first time to try medical leeches, previously I could only use non blood sucking leeches in my movies like The Bait, Bath Diver. Medical leeches are different. It is unbelievable how they can multiply their body size in a few minutes. After feeding they don’t eat for even a year or more, what an economical way of living!

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“Hardbody” is the title of one of my movies which was shot last Saturday. I work out regularly to have a so-called hardbody but the motivation is never strong enough, I am a maximalist so I asked my best girlfriends, Tanita and Nazryana to be my sadistic workout motivators.

They took the job very seriously, they stroke me with cat-on-nines, continuously and cruelly, with full strength. The strokes were so painful that I hardly could do the exercises. But I did not give up. I wanted to prove to myself that I can tolerate any pain and I can workout under any circumstances.
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It’s springtime, nature is waking, trees in flowers, everything is getting green and so alive. I love this period of the year.

Our first springtime trip in a forest led us to a place where we happened to find some beautiful black end red patterned bugs. They are called firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus).

They formed large and conspicuous groups on the tree trunks – probably for mating –  and the spectacle of those many little crawling creature in a bunch turned me on so much that I could not stand not to try how it feels when my nipples are touched by them. The only problem was that they were very shy and ran or flied away very fast when I poked them with my nipples.

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We have been working on our new website – queensect.com – for weeks and now I can say that it is ready to launch. This is a completely uncensored and unique fetish website, its content is so extreme that we need to stay low profile – although everything on the site is legal. Since this new site works underground, we need everyone who like this stuff to promote queensect.com and support us with Bitcoin. Please don’t ask for credit card payment option, it is not available and won’t be available in the future, either.

About the content of the site, it is mainly about insect fetish and piercing plays which were banished from QS.com. I did not want to give up shooting that kind of movies just because they are against the ethical and religious beliefs of some powerful people and companies (like visa, mc, etc.) so I decided to launch this new, uncensored website beside QS.com. I am going to post one new movie every two weeks, at least in the beginning.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Cunt Busters

After shooting five Cunt Busters movies, I can say, it was all girls’ favorite session (except Diamond lol). The full strength strokes on the pussy are agonizing and the pain lasts for about one minute or more but then the pain gradually changes to a pleasant burning sensation which motivates the sub to ask for more.

We did not count the strokes, we just tried to aim the flogger or whip right in the middle of the pussy – it is not an easy job by the way – and we hit as hard as it is possible, watched the effects of the impact and let the sub a little time for recovering from the pain before hitting again. I myself definitely prefer the few but hard lashes than the softer and faster whipping.

The reward of the properly done flogging is the red, swollen and burning pussy which is extremely sensitive for days. Just pushing a vibe against it turns the sub into a real orgasm machine.

Other variations of this game are coming soon ;)

Nettle Lovers

Diamond is a not just hot and smart but she has an incredible sexual aura that comes naturally. Although she is very young and still newbie in bdsm, she can enjoy the pain given to her, she is curious and very open-minded and wants to improve and explore as many new experiences as she can. I think she is in the best place to fulfill her wishes.

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Comments Disabled :(

The comments are disabled on my blog until the credit card companies stop limiting the rights of free speech on the internet :(.

After so much work on moving my blog to an other server and domain it turned out that it was useless. I cannot have an uncensored blog. My payment provider told me that even if I remove every link and connection between my paysite and my blog, my blog’s content is still about the stuff on q……s……com and this way it must be censored too according to the credit card companies’ regulations.

So now not just my paysite but my free blog is strictly censored and I cannot even have a link from my blog to other sources of my movies. So the paysite’s link’s link must be censored either.

There are certain fetishes and there are tones of words that I am not allowed to use in any form not just on my blog but anywhere on the internet under the name of Q….S…..

Where is our world going? :(


Every time I see a hairbrush in a porn video, I always expect the girl to fuck herself not with its handle but its bristly end. It is so disappointing that it never happens. What is the point of using the handle of a hairbrush? :) Maybe it can be a good warming up play but its size is even smaller than a normal dildo’s.

Now I realized why I never see using the head of the hairbrush, it is way too hard and painful to fuck my pussy with it, even for a pain addict like me :) First I thought that it would not be so hard after trying the toilet brush but I was wrong, it was harder. The bristles are stiff, thick and harsh.

Continue reading “Hairbrush”

New Blog Rules

Complying with the rules of my billing company I had to remove every content – even comments – which contains words and terms of nature’s beings which are not vegetables.

So please don’t use any words in your comments that refers to those nature’s beings. If you use such words I will get in trouble :(

Thank you for your understanding.

PS: My billing company found too many forbidden words in the comments so finally I had to remove all of them and disable commenting :(. Free speech on the internet and having an uncensored blog even if it is not connected to my paysite is not allowed. I hate this so much but I have to comply if I want my site to stay alive.

My first pain session this year

Yesterday we shot a toilet-brush-like movie but it was somewhat different. I was suspended upside down by one of my legs for about one hour and I was fucked hard and spanked with several kinds of cleaning brushes. Actually we collected every kind of cleaning brushes we found in the local DIY store.

Tanita was the domina and she took the job very seriously. She became a cruel sadist.

Continue reading “My first pain session this year”

Merry Christmas
















This year I have a bdsm Christmas tree – suspended upside down and tied to the ceiling hooks by chains.

I think it really looks unconventional :) What do you think?

Merry Christmas and Holidays Everybody!

Glass Table

The idea of having or being a human furniture has been always one of my favorites and involving some pain into the play made it even more exciting.

We shoot our videos in our small living room and we need to rearrange the room all the time when we shoot. Having enough place is always a problem so minimizing our living room furniture is a never-ending project for us. That is why I decided the other day to give one of our glass tables away.

Before doing that I realized that the top of the glass table would be a perfect accessory for a “last” torture (it was already used several times in our movies). It is heavy (23 kg), transparent and its size is ideal for human furniture play. To add some more challenges and a big dose of pain of course, placing thumbtacks on the human holder seemed to be a good idea. At least Master loved it when I told him about.  I cannot say the same about my best girlfriend, Tanita who was not as enthusiastic as him when I told her that I want her to be my living table. She hates the thumbtacks. When I was trampling on her with my “vampire” shoes (“Spikes” movie) she hated it, she was completely freaked out of the pain and she knew that it would be something similar. But I told her that she is my only capable candidate for realizing my idea, since my body type is too skinny and the other girls are not strong enough either.

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Spicy Luna

That was one of our hardest shooting. I never thought that Luna would feel sick of capsaicin and would completely freak out of the burning feeling. Her pain tolerance is pretty high especially when it is about piercings and needles but this time she almost gave up before finishing the scene.

Her reaction to the hot pepper was unexpected not just because of her high pain tolerance level but because she already got some hot pepper massage cream on her pussy a couple of months ago just to test it. It happened after one of our shootings, I smeared her pussy with the capsaicin cream and she was not allowed to wash it down until she got home. She told me that before going home she would have a date and she was worried that how she would be able to handle the pain in her pussy while meeting the guy. And she was definitely able to handle it pretty well.

Continue reading “Spicy Luna”

Pin through my clit

I wanted my clitoris pierced so much and for so long time but I never had enough courage to do it. But I did it finally. After finishing our shooting with Greta yesterday, my master pierced a pin through my clit  while Greta and her owner was watching me and fucking. Having an audience during my torture helped me so much to bear the pain which was the most intense kind of sensation I have ever felt in my life.

We could have used a thin medical needle too but I learned that using a sewing pin is much more painful, usually bloodless, there is no scarring and the healing is much faster. So I prefer pins than med needles or piercing needles.

Of course the most painful part of the process was the puncture itself but it took for only a few secs, after that I still felt pretty intense pain in my clit for about a couple of minutes and when my pain has eased a bit my Master pushed a massager vibe against my clit and I was screaming in pain again. It was an evil torture, I cannot enjoy the effect of massager at all, I did not felt anything else just unbearable pain.

Continue reading “Pin through my clit”