Hirudo MD

I have been feeling so dizzy and weak for days now probably because I lost too much blood. Three days ago I attached six medical leeches to my nipples and I am bleeding since then. Leech therapy and heavy menstrual bleeding at the same time is proven to be too much for me. And to top it all, I will have a dental surgery tomorrow. Bad timing. Hopefully I will survive :)

Anyway, those little blood suckers are wonderful creatures. For me it was the very first time to try medical leeches, previously I could only use non blood sucking leeches in my movies like The Bait, Bath Diver. Medical leeches are different. It is unbelievable how they can multiply their body size in a few minutes. After feeding they don’t eat for even a year or more, what an economical way of living!

The feeling of their bite is not really painful, it felt like a little pinch, yet it is an exciting feeling. As they attached themselves to my body, they don’t leave until they are full of blood.
Before serving myself up I used a vacuum pump on my nipples to make their meal more delicious. They bit me avidly and started to suck my blood out.  In a few minutes they became huge and fatty and they just fell off when they felt stuffed enough.

I was so happy that I did not have to worry about the blood this time, I was free to do anything, even “body painting” with blood :) The video will be available soon on my new uncensored site – queensect.com

The after effect of the leech therapy is bleeding, I knew that and I was prepared for that but I thought it did not last for more than 2-3 hours. I was wrong. The continuous bleeding took for about 10 hours and then there was still a little bleeding for a day. I put on a tight bra and stuffed it with ‘sterile’ paper towels and changed it when they soaked through. Now there are only hardly visible wounds on my nipples which are healing very fast.

And what happened to the sated leeches? Of course we released them into a nearby river and I hope they will be happy for a year at least ;)

23 Replies to “Hirudo MD”

  1. recently seen on web – a mantis chewing nipples.
    wanna see them playing with your nipples and clit too

  2. I would join and watch if, well for one if this vid was up, but also if the payment method wasn’t bitcoin. It’s a bit inconvenient to set up when my card is all ready to go. That might largely be why the site has so little viewers. It’s less accessible for people since largely the card option is the most used payment type.

  3. Dear Queensnake!

    How are you? So much time without updates. Are you still interested in your BDSM art? )
    I know that you have a lot of funs that waiting for new clips and I’m one of them.

    Especially, we are waiting for Hirudo clip. Maybe you can publish short demo for 10 seconds?

  4. Please please find a better way of payment for Queensect than Bitcoin… Bitcoin is too hard for me…. I will join as soon as you have new payment!!

    1. There is no better payment method than Bitcoin. It’s actually very easy once you understand how it works. This method of payment is getting popular so you will have to learn it one day anyway. Sooner the better.
      I am glad that queensnake started accepting it.

  5. I tried to join, but the lack of credit card or paypal meant it was not easy for me… I would LOVE to join Queensect.com!!!

  6. Just be safe using creepy crawlers, use medicinal maggots if you can, check the origin of insects and try to purchase disease free ones from farms and sellers that sell bait, of course they may not be sterile, but disease free. There are many ideas, multiple snakes on you from various sizes and types that are non-venomous, humiliation with worms and eating dinner, roaches,night-crawlers,etc

    Of course there are many non-porn shows that feature dares and stunts regarding these things, bondage can be used, especially ropes, the only difference between you is nudity, there are plenty of resources regarding harmless spiders,bugs,etc. You can even raise pet rats and hamsters and have them crawl on you, it doesn’t have to even be a “Fetish” just cute, modeling with snakes even in the nude has been artistic also. Also have you tried shibari, esinem has great rope bondage tutorials, you might like the artistic,pain, and struggle of it.

    J,ulia R,oberts had maggots in ears and stomach,snakes,snails,scorpion enclosed,even a light bee sting well the back of the bee touch her, as well as garuna fish that are commonly used in spa to nibble at feet and hands for dead skin (beware of fake ones and chinese cheap imports”, f,ear fa.,ctor had many dare shows, i’m a cele,b,etc

    The idea is to use safe animals, and be holistic, maybe even have some of them as pets, and education and safety, as well as confronting fear, enjoy. As for Queensect, well folks will get confused and mixed up with queensnake, perhaps redirect links, promotions, as well as maybe one movie that’s free to spread the word about your website, as opposed to a sample.

  7. I really look forward to the two hirudo videos being posted. I want to see those. One request for a possible third video. Something that I really liked from the Bait video was how you set them in a container in the bath tub, then filled up the bathtub to let them freely swim and attach where they pleased. I’d love to see that same type of scene with some hirudo. You said that you endured 6 in the first video, that would be awesome to see in a bathtub scene. Ideally, your lower legs, arms, and face would all be above water, allowing the hirudo to choose where to feast on your breasts, stomach, pussy, or thighs. I don’t know if anything attracts them to one area or another, but perhaps that could be experimented with as well.

  8. I could not find this video in your Queensect.com site. How ccan I get this video, QS? thank you.

    1. This video is not published yet on queensect.com and it will be available as soon as I could resolve the promoting issues (I cannot promote it on my main bdsm site and it cannot be connected to it in any way.) So far queensect.com is a complete failure, it hardly has any viewers, there’s just no point in shooting and publishing this fetish content for only 4-5 people. But I still din’t give up…

      1. I have received your Qsect promotion email. Does this indicate that the Qsect is resuming? Kindly email me so I can be sure for resuming my membership subscription. thank you QS.

  9. Mmmm now that’s cool… when will it be posted? Can’t wait. .. would love to see one on your clit, that wouldn’t be that dangerous

    1. I don’t know when this movie will be posted. Since then I shot an other session where the leeches are attached to my pussy and one of them bit my clit. I will post a blog entry about this soon.

      1. Oh damn that is so hot… didn’t know you are having issues with low membership I will join today ! I really love what you are doing and want to support it!!

  10. sorry my english is not good….
    i very like insects,ants,worms in your pussy, Especially like ants, I hope you were able to take advantage of vaginal dilator, Deep in the uterus at a candy, make lots of ants march inside ….. very grateful, you are the best

  11. Inside the vagina will be too dangerous as these wonderful creatures will have anti-coagulant chemicals that will prevent the blood to
    coagulate and keep the wound open for a long time, however, would really love to see just one leech just on each nipples of Tanita if
    she dares! ;-) Really love your work Queensnake especially the black paint decoration inside your womb, would really love to
    see the other girls with more of “stuffings”, paint, sweets, chocolate, sand, flour, and let’s not forget my favourite #2 the good old
    “chillies in ice” ice dildo! Excellent works, Love you all! :-)

  12. hello queensnake
    do you remember the arkafterdark series? Carla used mouses,bullfrogs,ecc…can you are interested?

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