Some of you guys asked me about how to use a stapler safely on your sub and I thought it could be more useful to share my experiences here in my blog instead of answering the questions in email. So here are the information about the tools we use and how we use them.
The type of our stapler: Rapid Workline R53 Ergonomic. We got it from a DIY hardware store (ie. Bauhaus, Praktiker, OBI, The Home Depot etc.). There are different type of staplers (heavy and light weight) in the stores.
I suggest you to use the light ones because the heavy staplers’ spring are way too hard to operate so your hands will be shaky after a few shots and you won’t be able to aim right. While the ammo of the heavy staplers are like micro chisels, the light staplers’ are rather similar to blunt needles or pins.
The type of the staples we use: 53/4 or 53/6. They both can be used rather safely. I don’t recommend using the longer staples.
If you are a beginner or you don’t want your sub to have durable marks and bloodshots (for about 1-2 week), it is better to use the shortest (4mm) staples. The healing time is super fast: about 2-3 days. Although we usually used 6mm long staples in our movies, we realized lately that the pain was exactly the same when we used the shorter (4mm) ones.
About sterilization.
To avoid getting any infections during stapler sessions we always soak the staples in medical (at least 70%) alcohol before the session for about half an hour.
Also we pour some alcohol inside the stapler device and of course it is also crucial to sterilize the skin with alcohol before the action and after removing the staples.
The body parts where we use the stapler regularly: belly, buttocks, pussy lips, tits, nipples. The basic rule: the more fat tissue is below the stapled body area, the less healing time you can expect. Avoid shooting the staples into muscles, veins and bony areas.
The pain is like having my skin pierced with needles but it lasts much much shorter time, only 1-2 seconds. The creepy sound of the stapler are really scary for the slave but we learned that when the girls get their first staples, they are always surprised because they expect something much more horrible. When the staples are in, it feels like a bit having something stinging in your skin, not really painful rather unpleasant feeling. But whipping or flogging the stapled areas is extremely painful.
Removing the staples is usually does not hurt that much if you do it very quickly. The more slowly you pull them out, the more your slave will suffer.
I made some photos of the stapler and staples we use in our movies. Have a safe game ;).
(Warning: Much of the action depicted and/or described on this site is potentially dangerous. Do not attempt to duplicate anything that are beyond your own capabilities. Advice and information contained in this online site is presented for general information and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical or other expert advice. The information provided is intended to be accurate and helpful, but it should not be considered exhaustive. The owner of disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, injury or risk which is incurred as a direct or indirect result of the use of any of the material or information on this site.)
aah dachte mir doch dass du deutsche bist :P
baumärkte, “tee-lichter” manchmal rutscht n bisschen deutsche syntax ein
Great shows you making Queen Snake!
the first time I saw you use the stapler so I thought it was terrible, but after seeing more clips i changed my mind,
“Zombie Queen” is for example a very beautiful production.
By the way, the “Rapid Stapler” is manufactured just a cuple of miles from here, “Swedish Quality” you know!
Keep on doing what you do!
Greetings from Sweden
You and your girlfriends are amazing! You’re all fabulous… the sexiest girls I’ve ever encountered. Thanks for sharing.
Le premier photogramme du film « Essence of Agony » montre le profil du visage de
Elle fixe son image dans un miroir que nous ne voyons pas, elle ne nous regarde pas.
Ce regard, qui semble nous exclure pour nous rendre encore plus désespérément
voyeurs, exprime un univers tourbillonnant d’émotions qui nous emporte et d’emblée
nous hypnotise.
Car Elle se voit, et prévoit les souffrances insupportables que Elle a choisi de subir dans sa chair la plus délicate et sensible, le défi héroïque qui lui permet de transformer la souffrance en plaisir, la terreur que son propre destin lui inspire, l’orgueil de se
savoir capable de cela quelle que soit la torture subie, et la magnifique volonté qui est sienne de parcourir, élégante, sensuelle, noble la voie que Elle a choisie.
Immense tragédienne, femme admirable, âme pourvue de toutes les vertus.
Nous sommes honorés d’assister à ses performances et son exemple anoblit
nos âmes mesquines. Elle devrait être le sujet de livres nombreux pour avoir ainsi
transformé le bdsm en Art .
Merci, ô Reine.
Bonsoir Nadine
Quel magnifique hommage que votre message à cette sublime reine à qui j’aimerais tant être offert
Does the staple come out clean or could metal stick inside the skin, obviously alcohol is must,
kudos for QS talking about safety on the blog, its an issue ignored, even when there is no immediate danger, things such as nerve damage can appear over time with shibari, bdsm,etc
if one is not careful.
I wonder if there is an alternative to staples , maybe a bigger staple that wouldn’t come apart.
After examining the staples with watchmaker magnifying glass, it appears there is used a water-based adhesives that carpenters use to keep staples together. Could not scrape off any metal particles.
Stainless steel staples have smoother surface and not so uncomfortable to pull out. There should be staples in plastic, but have not found them yet. Larger staples used for wooden constructions, has a very rough surface and used with pneumatic stapler.
Merci pour le plaisir!
Bonsoir Nadine
Quel magnifique hommage que votre message à cette sublime reine à qui j’aimerais tant être offert
really wanna read the blog for the newest vid the fill her up one, vid idea is incredible
Thanks, Queensnake!!! That was an excellent tutorial for the “stapler-curious”. :)
Rapid have also stainless steel staples, Art No. 11835626
They are the same size as you have used and 8mm long. Have done it myself a few times and it’s bang is the worst when a press off. When the staple enters the body, the pain is not so bad.