In bdsm, thumbtacks can be used in many ways and we love to use them as many ways as it is possible. You can see that in our movies ;)
Pussy kicking is one of Master’s favorite games but this time he wanted to boost it by sticking some thumbtacks on my tormentor’s (Tanita) feet. Needless to say how scared I was since I knew that the thumbtacks would pierce deep into my flesh at this impact speed.
As a warming up play I got some traditional pussy kickings that was pretty enjoyable, my pussy got swollen and dark red.
Then the spikes came. First on my butts – that was not so bad as I expected – and then on my pussy and my tits. I can’t say which one was the most painful: my tits or my pussy but I can say that both of them was much more sensitive and the kickings hurt like hell especially on my pussy when I had to lie on my back and spread my legs exposing it for Tanita as an easy target. In this position my clitoris got some kicks either and that was crazy painful.
After bearing that much pain I was allowed to cum while Tanita were flapping her spiky feet on my belly and I got huge multiple orgasms as usual :)
I get Kick and Punch inky Pussy and both Boobs every month by my Master and his freinds
Would lOVE to see a whole movie on pussy slapping, stomping, boxing and kickijng between two or more of you sweet women
I cant find the video Chain Skirt, has it been removed?
i can´t find the video Free Kick
can you help me to find this video
hey, where is this video? link leads to nowhere
I can’t find this shoot, has it been removed?
As for me, pussy kicking (or spanking) is the most interesting type of pussy torture.
Hope to see pussy kicking session where pussy is kicked, kneed and punched. But mostly without devices like thumbtacks:) Just by foot and fist.
Or you can try a catfight, in what pussies will be main targets. The main goal will be to kick, grab, pull and twist opponents pussy.
Thanks for good unique videos!
Best regards,
La flamme immense qui sort de tes entrailles
et son parfum poivré, qui m’ en donne l’ attrait,
Désireuse de ton feux ardent et généreux,
ruisselante de ta lave, à m’en rendre heureuse
la douleur brûle sur ton sein, et me fait joyeuse,
pétillante de toutes parts, des pieds aux cheveux.
Le ventre de nos êtres! En sentir le feux,
flammes et complaintes d’ un mal merveilleux.
Que de bonheur et de douleur entre nous deux!
Embrasser nos coeurs d ‘amoureuses,
s ‘aimer si fort qu’un immense incendie
en vagues violentes, jaillit
de nos corps perdus en souffrances,
Partage d ‘amour, lave incandescente
qui dévore nos âmes et l’ innocence.
La flamme par torrents sourd de ce cratère,
Et le panache igné du volcan solitaire
Flambe plus haut encore les himalayas.
Gerbe exquise de plaisirs, mais
qui ne peut exister sans les désirs
en aveuglants couleurs,
que nos âmes font jaillir!
Je les sais ô Divine!
Terre et soleil sont unis par la lumière.
Mais qui donne chaleur et vie à l’autre,
en se consumant?
Tes commentaires laissent une empreinte de rêve et de volupté mêlés de désir. A une époque j’écrivais aussi bien. C’est un plaisir de te lire à chaque fois. Merci.
Nice video..
I love to see your (Queensnake) pussy punish. I love to see how the girls abuse , kick, spank your pussy. I think it will be more intresting when you will open your pussy and then get the spank or the kick with alot of thumbtacks.