
I love shooting games although I missed them in my childhood. I think it’s a shame that girls are lame with weapons. So now is the time to make up for those wasted years and not just to learn those shooting games but adapt them into my bdsm life.

To learn the right shooting and targeting technique, Master – who is my trainer in this learning process – made me a special shooting device to practice: a modified fish feeding slingshot with half-cut paper clips ammunition.

It was not a question that who would be my target – my self-sacrificing girlfriend, Nazryana applied for that role with pleasure. After some practice on her, I was going to give her the opportunity to take revenge by offering my body as a target.

Before shooting the video, Master taught us the theory of slingshot shooting and showed us the right techniques. We had to hit a small box first and then – when he saw that we were good enough at aiming – he allowed us to practice on his body. Needless to say that we enjoyed it much better than shooting an object :) He said that the pain caused by the shots felt like wasp stings but his pain tolerance is so high that there was no sign of pain at all on his face, sometimes I really think that he is an alien or a vampire LOL.

To find the perfect place for shooting was not an easy mission and finally we chose a way too rough stone field. The stones were so cutting and sharp that it was hard even to balance and walk on them – very harsh conditions for the cameraman (aka Master) but it was not a real problem for Nazryana and me.

We took our positions and I started to put into practice what I learned from Master. After the first lame shots I got better and better at aiming and Nazryana’s most sensitive areas got some really wrecking shots :) It was so exciting to watch her skin turning white at the moment of the hit and then getting darker and darker red forming a U-shape. Her marks were awesome and she really suffered for them – she was weeping and sniveling in pain by the end.

Unfortunately we ran out of time and  light because the sun was almost set when I finished with Nazryana, so she had no chance to take revenge on me that time :P

After our game, I asked her about her feelings and experiences, she answered that it was her best bdsm session ever and she was so happy to have those bizarre U-shaped red marks on her body, she really liked them and then proudly wore them for weeks. Wow, I am just amazed at her masochism, that’s my girl! ;)

6 Replies to “Slingshot”

  1. I love a little competition with two women.

    My suggestion would be to light a lot of candles and let 2 girls context who can put out most of them using her breasts. Provides that after every three or so the wax is removed.

  2. Excelent movie. I will be a memeber soon.
    Please more fisting and gape hole.

    keep you work


  3. Hello Queensnake, i like tyours videos and i admired your scenes very hot and the pain is very nice. I am from Chile, i hope you will make more videos, a very great kiss queensnake, i hope will be a excellent new year. Kiss.

  4. Bonjour ô Reine des Reines,
    Slingshot est une grande première dans notre Univers de fidèles admirateurs et disciples:
    La divine Déesse du plaisir et de la peine ,toi, fait entendre sa voix exquise.
    Alleluiah! Sa voix descend en moi à travers mes tympans comme une coulée de lave sur la glace, elle m’évapore, me fendille, me transforme en oiseaux de feu…
    Depuis des années je te suppliais pour l’entendre, car je savais qu’elle était parfaite dans la tonalité, la tessiture, la prononciation… Je suis finalement exaucée et ravie.
    Mais cette voix, qui vient d’une femme écrivaine, informaticienne, tragédienne aux talents multiples et admirables, toujours élégante, émouvante, désirable, intelligente, cette voix est la drogue la plus terrible qui soit: je suis envoutée, dépendante… et comblée.
    Encore! Encore! Encore!

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