Master made a special tit clamping device for Sharon, he wanted her to be hanged by her beautiful big tits using his techno look set-up. Unfortunately his plan did not work as well as he expected: the metal bars were not good for tits hanging – when we tested the device on her, she wasn’t able to hold her weight only by her tits, it was way too painful for her. So finally the metal tit clamps became rather a decoration than a torturing device lol But it did not matter since this time our purpose was to torture her pussy and not her tits.
She was hanged up by her arms and legs exposing her pussy for a good whipping. To boost the pussy whipping I used some needles and rubber bands to stretch her lips out and make her most sensitive area defenseless. And then her luscious pussy got what it deserved…
It’s wonderful how she could come over her fear of needles – when we first met Sharon she told us about her trypanophobia (extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypdermic needles) that she had had since her childhood. She never thought before that some time she would let anyone pierce any needles into her flesh just for fun, especially into her pussy lol.