New movie on – Harp – Holly

This is an other episode of the Harp series with Holly and Jessica. We used the same rubber bands as in the previous Harp movie with Abby but these two bitches were so soft compared to our standards that they would deserve an extra punishment for that. Still, Holly screamed, cried and was at the edge of giving it up during all the session. Obviously, our pain tolerance is so different lol

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One Reply to “New movie on – Harp – Holly”

  1. A few years ago Holly could endure long sessions with much harder lashes and it seemed that she even enjoyed when she received the lashes on her pussy (like in her films titled “Whipping Holly”, “Pussy Thrasher”, “Upside Down” …) . For some time now, Holly fans have found that, unfortunately, Holly now has much less resistance to pain than before. As a fan of Holly, I would like her to achieve higher levels of resistance to pain, for her to harden her pussy with lashes and for lashes to mark her muscular body. To do this you should whip Holly more frequently, progressively increasing the number of lashes and using various types of new whips that are becoming increasingly hard, because now Holly’s body has already become accustomed to the three or four types of whips you use. Holly will usually never increase her level of resistance to pain with current whip lashes.
    In this film, it seems that Holly and Jessica secretly agreed that the punishment would be lighter than usual and, as a result, the film is uninteresting. Those rulings are an excellent pretext for now to severely punish Holly and Jessica with a hard lash session for their negligence. Surely both girls want to increase their degree of masochism and want to get used to enduring much harder lashes, as if they were real horny bitches, to progressively enjoy even more with their punishments.

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