Short Snow Stories

There is no winter without some training in the snow. I am freezing just thinking of this session brrrrr. Shooting outdoor is never easy, there are too many unexpected circumstances and shooting outdoor in winter is even harder, especially without any warming places nearby.

We walked hours in the snow to find the right place to shoot those short sessions. Our only warming tool was a bullwhip ;)

A new girl – Misty – appears in the first part of this movie, we have known her and her husband for many years, they are our friends and a very nice couple. Although the whipping was not as hard as we usually like it, she was able to be naked and barefoot in the freezing snow for pretty long time and I know that it was the hardest part of her torture, even harder than the whipping. Until you don’t try being barefoot in the snow, you won’t know how painful it is. So please don’t underestimate the snow plays :P

The second part was about Tanita and me and we shot 4 short sessions and spending more than 4 hours in the cold without any warming places. First I just whipped her then we threw snowballs on each other and finally Tanita was buried in the snow instead of me lol. Our original plan was to bury me in the snow but I was shivering from the cold so much that I was not able to do it so we sadly decided to go home without doing the snow bed session. But while we were walking back to our car,  Tanita voluntarily applied for doing it :) Wow her self-sacrifice was a nice surprise for me and so unexpected! After getting home we both took a hot bath and nobody caught cold or got sick!

There was a third day when we went out to shoot in the snow. This time just me and Master. I had to make a shibari bondage in the snow. I learned it just before leaving home and I was able to do it in 5 minutes in our warm living room. How much time did it take to do the shibari in the snow? 2 minutes 50 seconds lol

Some part of the snow stories are not published yet.

One Reply to “Short Snow Stories”

  1. Great show! You are the best!
    I really like the theme of negom. I also tried a lot of winter here in Russia

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