New Subscription System

It wasn’t an easy work to find the right solution but now the new subscription system is working on my website. I am sorry for everybody’s inconveniences caused by not working CCBill system, they are still searching the error… :( I think I can say that bad things can sometimes lead good things because I succeeded to have my website approved by an other payment provider, Epoch. They are fast, much more client and customer friendly, their billing system is working properly and Visa payment is offered.
I let CCBill process Direct Pay (internet bank) and Telephone, they are good alternatives for those people who don’t have or don’t want to use credit cards. Online checks and Ukash (anonym voucher) also will be available soon.

But now I put away these technical issues for a while and I am working on uploading the missing old movies and the brand new ones :)

12 Replies to “New Subscription System”

  1. I had the pleasure of finding your site, completely by accident. It took me ten minutes of watching the free clips to convince me to Subscribe. I did so and the CCBill system worked very well,and am happily watching. By the way i use them on other sites, all via Mastercard, and so far have had no problems. By the way excellent Site!

  2. I just subscribed using the new system. It went very smoothly. I love the site! The BDSM is so creative! My favorite so far is Nettle Lesbians–two beautiful women performing a sensuous dance while caressing each other with nettles…that is amazingly erotic.

    1. I tried to send you an email but the message delivery was failed. Please send me an email to admin[at]

  3. Your videos are fantastic!! I love all the things you do (well, most of them) to your pussy and other areas. But there’s an entire aspect of self-torture that you’re completely overlooking. I’m talking about enemas! You don’t seem very anally inclined, but maybe you should start experimenting with them. They can be a source of both pain and pleasure on their own, or they could be used as an enhancement to whatever else you’re doing. Probably a lot of your “fans” would enjoy it, too. Think about it.

    1. Visa is working for others. Your card can be declined because you may not physically be in the country the card was issued in or you may have disputed payment with an adult site in the past.
      You should contact epoch customer service:

      1. Update – The bank was declining all customer payments to Epoch due to a number of complaints from customers who didn’t agree that they had made payments to it. I got them to remove it for me but it’ll probably happen to all customers of that bank.

  4. Thanks QueenSanke
    It was worth waiting for, I look forward for the greatest quality work that you have on your site.
    We love your clips, you are amazing, keep surprising us with the best clips on the net.
    I’m sorry, but the painful and extreme the better :)

    1. Thank you so much for your nice comment! I keep on playing painful and extreme games for my own and your pleasure :)

  5. Yipeee, we can see you back in action again. I’m happy now
    I’m also happy for you, that the technical issues are over.

    Mmmmm, can’t wait to see some new material

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