New Website Issue

My new website is online now but it is a public beta version for testing. It means that the “Join” page doesn’t work currently (CCBill application is in progress). If everything goes well, you can join my website in a week. Many thanks for your patience! :)

8 Replies to “New Website Issue”

    1. Hopefully it will be online on the new website this weekend. First we have to implement the CCBill system. Anyway I tried to contact the provider of gizmo cards but they did not answer, it seems they are not interested in new merchants.
      Beyond CCBill, I want to offer some alternative and mainly anonym payment options, I am searching for the right solutions right now.

  1. Looking forward to it. Not into everything so depending on price and extras I might stick with the store.

    You probably already noticed but lots of the recent stuff is missing from the updates list.

    Still can’t wait for the Puppy clips to go up for sale!

  2. with new site to be running soon. !!! we hope !!!
    How do we stand on requests.
    Also will there be a webcam or is this to much for one time.

    1. I can’t wait to fulfill the requests! I will tell you about my experiences soon here in my blog. About webcam, we are going to offer webcam sessions but not now, it will be the next step.

  3. Can’t wait for the site to be fully functional….looks good so far…..Queensnake, have you given any thought to adding a gizmocard payment feature?

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