Piercing Course

Since my master wasn’t satisfied with me in the last piercing session, I was ordered to be pierced every day until he decides to stop. The purpose of my training is to achieve not to be afraid of piercing, not to scream and of course to improve my piercing technique.

So I’ve been in that play for 10 days. Until now I had different piercing experiences, actually I make a note in my diary about each action:

1. First day I got a medical needle into my inner labia and I wasn’t allowed to make any scream or noise. I did it.

2. Second day my master pierced my other inner labia with a pin. It was more painful than the med needle but I was able to stay in silence.

3-4. Pin in my outer labia.

5. That day I got a special session. I always admired those girls who were able to use a toilet brush as a dildo so I tried it although I had serious doubts about being able to do it. It seemed too harsh and big. I was very surprised that in a short time I succeeded to embrace it. It was painful but when it was already inside the pain disappeared and changed into an unbelievable exciting feeling. I would have preferred to keep it inside for days, LOL. At that point my master brought in a big black safety pin and pierced it through my outer labias, so my pussy was closed with the toilet brush inside. That was my first safety pin experience anyway and it was very painful but I was able to bear it without screaming and I liked the way how it closed up my pussy. Actually I felt comfortable with the toilet brush and the safety pin but after a while I had to pull them out :). We thought that pulling the toilet brush out would be very painful but actually it wasn’t more painful than pushing in. I couldn’t believe that I was able to do it, I am not a “toilet brush virgin” anymore :D! I loved that feeling so much that I pushed it in again, it was a bit easier than for the first time. We played with moving it for a while and then my master pulled it out while I had nonstop orgasms, wow, I think I found a new favorite toy :). I want to get more safety pins into my outer labias and more toilet brush into my pussy, hehehe.

6. Back to the pure pain, this time I had to wear a carpenter clamp that had a thumbtack inside. My master put it on my outer labia and I had to wear it at least for 1 minute. Actually I wore it for more than 2 minutes because he made some photos. I have to tell you that it was much more painful than anything else so far, it was very hard not to scream.

7. The day of our video shooting, when I stapled my panties to my pussy.

8. An other kind of staple device that I have never tried before. It is a mini stapler that is used in the offices. He stapled my outer labias together. I was shocked how painful it was, much more painful than the standard staple gun that is used in BDSM movies. The trick is that you can control the speed of the staple and of course my master did it as slowly as he could. Although the staple itself was smaller and thinner, it caused much longer and more intense pain. Hmmm, I can always learn something new.

9. A bigger carpenter clamp with two thumbtacks inside. That was the point when I wasn’t able to hold back my scream. It was horrible and way too painful. I have never felt so intense pain before. The thumbtacks went deep into my outer labia, but they did not pierce through my skin on the other side just kept pressing it from the inside, so they stuck in my flesh and I felt huge pain. I was able to tolerate that pain only for about 15-20 secs and after he removed that brutal torture device. My outer labia was swollen and it was bloodshot at the point where the tacks went into the skin. My master was very proud of me, anyway :).

10. Tonight I had to do a little self-piercing while my master checked my piercing time. I have to learn to pierce myself with the right speed, not too fast, not too slow. This time the limit was 5 seconds/piercing, in case of time-out the piercing did not count and I had to repeat it until I can do it in 5 seconds. The lesson was one med needle and one pin into each inner labia. Finally I had two med needles and two pins in my pussy because I ran out of time twice. In the end we made a photo with the needles and put that brutal carpenter clamp above my clitoris but this time I didn’t  clamp it, just wanted to show you.

We didn’t make photos of every piercing session but I can show you a few. Enjoy them!

Btw has anybody tried the carpenter clamp or the clamps with thumbtacks inside (we call it simply vampire clamps)?

42 Replies to “Piercing Course”

  1. I thank you for all pictures.
    How about using a wire brush to beat yours tits and cunt lips and ass hole with push into your cunt

  2. I don’t know how you do what you do, but it has always been a fetish of mine. As long as the girl is okay with it, so am I. By the way, you are stunningly beautiful.

  3. no arsehole insertions with things that are hard to remove. If someone wants insertions in the arse let them stick it up their own arse.
    Cunt insertions only and the more coloured the better lights tincle and a little pain.

  4. Hmmm was thinking, a stuffed vag with either nettles or shards then a toilet brush pushed in.. WOW. Like the idea of replacing the handle with a string…. and as usual a walk about in the town, with Master taking some hidden up skirt video of your stuffed vag

  5. I hope to see that soon!
    Many ides around this.
    what about sewing a zipper , each side on each of your labia. then your master can open or close it as he wishes…
    Be careful to desinfect correctly the needle, wire , skin. So much a pity you get sick!!!!
    I love what you do.You are perfect. take care (anyway!).
    No to much think with your asshole? you don’t like? what about the toiletbrush inside, and then your master forces it your throat.

  6. You are amazing and well shaped , i can’t wait to see this video, i love your body its beautiful, and even now brushed up inside.

  7. Quel masochisme exceptionnel et quel plaisir (sado) pour la personne dominante. La brosse toilette doit pas mal labourer le vagin tout de même ?? L’idéal est de couper le manche et de mettre une ficelle à la place (comme un tampon) de remettre un jeans et de marcher qq temps comme cela. Le retrait pourrait se faire avec un seau attaché à la ficelle et rempli petit à petit .

  8. You are very Good and brave Queensnake slave, i was worried that your site closed becouse dont work me for a while, but have you try use a bigger needles that this to tits and pussy and nail tits to wood desk its good idea for you :-)

  9. hi..you are realy great..i love all your videos..the way you torture yourself is really hot..i want to see two things from you if you can..1:drink your own pee 2:try to sew your pussy with needle and spinner.i think tha it will be excelent if we can see you doing these..:)

  10. Love your work, and body.How about spread wide, w catheter or urethral sounding play, maybe hot sauce in the cath? spread wide legs tied to avoid being closed. Maybe some clit piercing also? also watch the aftermath as well as facial expressions during the scene?

    1. Hi Vinam! I am happy to see you here. I know, you know it very well, I admire your flexibility ;)

    2. We agree, we had the opportunity to see your videos about toilet brush, congratulations, as for Queensnake…

  11. The next time you do a toilet brush inside, have your Master vigorously fuck you with the toilet brush with your hands tied above you

    1. I would love it and he will do it as my pussy was healed after my brutal toilet-brush self-torture last night. I learned that I had to make my pussy more flexible…

      1. Can you please tell us more about your brutal toilet brush self torture from yesterday? Did you get it on tape? Thanks!

        1. Yes, we recorded it but the video quality wasn’t good enough so we have to repeat it as my pussy healed. Anyway I used different kind of brushes: standard toilet brush (see this blog entry), two harsh and bushy toilet brushes (my pussy wasn’t able to embrace them completely) and a glass washer brush. In the end I thought that my pussy was full of blood but as it turned out it was only dark red and bruised.

          1. That sounds like a great session! How about adding a wire brush into the mix once your pussy has recovered?

          2. A wire brush will be similar to your Conkers adventure in terms of the spike sharpness and feel. A wire brush dildo might be a great way to boost tackrider:)

          3. Hmmm, you can be right, I just checked out some “wire brush” images in google, there are so many kind of wire brushes, some of them might be good for me indeed. But I think before trying it, I need to train my pussy with my “closer friends”, the hair brushes :P.

  12. Imaginative and intriguing. I love your take on the tack – hopefully working up to something.

    I believe someone mentioned cervix fucking at some point. What is your take on a long, tapered dildo and a rubber mallet?

  13. Yeah, the toilet brush…that was one of my wishes:)
    ..and next a big hairbrush with spikyside first:)

  14. You’ve been a busy girl! Congratulations on popping your toilet brush cherry:) Might be time for the tack-spiked dildo soon since the toilet brush was easy for you. My favorite scenario was the clamp with the tack…..great idea! I’m also very curious about the stapled panties video! Thanks!

  15. bonjour queensnake , tres jolis votre experience avec la brosse ,
    tu pense toujours à faire le moulage de ton vagin ?

      1. j’espère que c’est pour bientôt :o)
        si il y a des français sur ce blog donnez votre avis

        1. Entièrement d’accord…. j’ai moi même expérimenté la brosse avec ma soumise
          slaveo et phil

  16. Lovely! Your inner lips should really be permanently pierced by 4 mm titanium rings….. ;-)

  17. I forgot to add that I really appreciate the honest descriptions of your experiences – what hurts, and how much etc. As an author, I find it very useful as well as entertaining. Most descriptions you see in videos or in stories are either of the “Oh god I’m going to die!” or “It hurts so good that I came all over the place” variety.

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