Sex in BDSM

I am really behind everything at the moment :(, I am doing too many things at the same time, as usual. So the poll I am posting about now was closed many weeks ago, maybe you already forgot it, I didn’t.

Sex in BDSM movies - What's your preference?

  • Pure pain, no sex (53%, 124 Votes)
  • Lesbian sex (26%, 61 Votes)
  • Solo girl - masturbation with orgasm (13%, 31 Votes)
  • Hetero sex - fucking, sucking (8%, 20 Votes)

Total Voters: 236

I have to tell you that I was very satisfied with the results because I wouldn’t like to do porn instead of pure SM. I and my master also would have voted the pure pain. Many people don’t understand what the hell could be enjoyable or good in feeling pain and most of them consider me and my movies sick and crazy. They probably have never experienced the close relation between pain and pleasure, but I learned that it does exist. And now I am an addict, it does not mean that I can enjoy every kind of pain but sometimes I desire some pain to feel better because I realized that hard corporal punishment can free my mind, fill me with energy and pull out of depression. If you like my movies, I am sure you know what I mean.

About lesbian sex, yes I also want more but before or during having sex with a girl, I need pain :).

Masturbation can be a good reward after a hard session, I hope that the poll result does not mean that you don’t want to and like to watch my orgasms, do you? ;).

I have to apologize to hetero sex fans but I am satisfied with the girls and my dildos :). It is intentional that my master does not show himself in our movies, we don’t want to involve men, at least visually :). I hope, you agree.

12 Replies to “Sex in BDSM”

  1. Actually there is not much porn bdsm atleast not great quality, is your master uncomfortable with other men tying you up what about japanese shibari and kinbaku just mind the radial nerve damage which is the only significant issue to come about if you do not do it property or do it properly but forget.

    You don’t really have to have heterosex in kinbaku or shibari, but another man could piss/feces on you and maybe one or two blowjobs with most coming from fellow lesbians.

  2. After reading this I wonder why there was a blowjob scene in Nettle Torture. I love that scene though, too bad you don’t do more of that.

    1. It was in the beginning… :) My master doesn’t like blowjobs in bdsm movies, there are so many “porn bdsm” out there.

  3. I definitely agree that you and any other females should be the focus of the videos. It feels much more intimate than when there is a man or men walking around in front of the camera. The problem with hetro sex is that most of the time all you see it the man. I would much rather look at your pretty pussy than a man’s penis or his bottom going up and down.

    Enjoying pain is definitely not sick, as long as you are not self destructive. A lot of people learn to enjoy pain but don’t realise it. Massages, birching in saunas, most sports especially endurance ones, all hurt to some degree, but then they say it is a “good kind of pain”. Really there is no difference except they don’t associate it consciously with sex.

  4. If you ask me (but you don` t :) , I would like you to leave the content as it is.
    You can find a miriads of sites with plain sex, but very few with realy quality SM , with real pain lover. And you are one of the best.

  5. I love your experiments and challenges. At the same time, I hope you always cherish your health; some of the ideas sound a bit dangerous.

  6. Keep the pain with no men coming:). Of course we like it when you cum after your torture:). Thanks for your poll comments…….I think we might know the results of the tackrider poll:) How about a follow-up poll with different ways to improve tackrider including the tacked dildo idea?

    1. :) Yes, I already know your opinion about Tackrider, I gonna close the poll tomorrow and start a new one.

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