Nipple Torture

Just a short story (no movie this time). Last night we met a couple who are also in BDSM and for the pleasure of our guests I was offered to the girl to torture my nipples with needles.
She is a beginner and rather masochistic than sadistic. She doesn’t like using needles and has never done this kind of torture before but my master convinced her to pierce 4-4 needles in the middle of my nipples. Since the girl was a newbie, she pushed the needles into my nipples very slowly so it was painful. The guys were satisfied with what they saw.

When all the 8 needles were in, she started to play with the needles hitting them slightly, it was very exciting. Then she figured out that she wanted to pull all of them out at once. The guys helped her to find the most painful way. She tied the needles with rubber bands and then took two fishing hooks with fishing-lines and attached them to the bands. She started to pull the fishing-lines and the needles started to came out very slowly and finally all of them came out at the same time, needless to say that it was the most painful part.

My nipples are still so sensitive, I love it, so does my master :).

Next time I will tell you about my experiences with the hooks and the l……s.

14 Replies to “Nipple Torture”

  1. We love it when our nipples stay sensitive after nipple play too! My girlfriend and I recently discovered abrasion play. We use different types of scrubbing pads (for cleaning cookware) and stiff bristle brushes to scrub our nipples, her clit and my cock head. We stop once things are red and burning, but not bleeding. I suppose one could take this further with wire brushes or sandpaper. But thats a little much for us. We intensified things by rubbing tobasco, toothpaste, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil and BenGay on the scrubbed areas. This play keeps my nipples extra sensitive for a day or so and my girfriends stay sensitive even longer.

    We love your site and all the sexy and creative tortures you come up with. We thought we’d share one of our favorites with you!

  2. Expensive QueenSnake! I write to you from Russia. I your big fan! I adore all your videos. you – my real queen and the goddess. You – super! Evgeny.

  3. Yes I love your site but i can not playback the downloads from your site via my windows xp.
    Please advise.

  4. Dear Queen Snake

    I write from Germany, to give jou my deepest respekt. Take all my kompliments. I see jou in „SEALED“, and I am realy impressed. Jou have a beautyful perfekt slim body. Perfekt long sporty legs, perfekt flat belly whith a lovely navel, nice ass, and a beautyful face. But almost I love jour smal tits whith this phantastic big and stiff nippels. My favorite kombination. And I love to see them tormented. I like jour permanent nippircings. But I fell on the knees in respekt, if I saw, how this lovely rosy sensitive buttons get`s needle by needle, and take the heavy pain. Jou are a realy QUEEN in bdsm and my personal hero. Wow!

    1. Hey Peter,
      Thanks for your nice compliments! Through your words I got a kind of spiritual orgasm from you :). So good to know that you enjoy watching my body writhing in pain ;)

  5. Please tell me your experience with fish hooks and l……..s? I can’t wait to hear about it. Nice trying them all, I like it. You go Queen. Can’t wait to see it.

  6. Wow….looks like maggots have quickly surpassed the thumbtacks…..when does the poll close? Queensnake, I guess you’ll have to start checking dumpsters:). I still like the thumbtacks…..maybe you’ll try the top 2?

    1. Hehe, yeah, I suspect a poll manipulation, someone wanted to see the maggots on the first place :) but I prefer the thumbtacks and the others anyway. I am going to try all of them ;).

  7. Wow….very hot….I love the way the needles were pulled out using the rubber bands. You’ve been very busy this weekend! Thanks!

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