Blood suckers (Hirudo, M.D.) –
New movie update on – Hirudo, M.D.
Queensnake had some bruises from a previous session so she thought it was a clever idea to try some medieval medical treatment, leech therapy. Maybe if she aimed the leeches on the bruises instead…
The full movie is available on
Hirudo MD
I have been feeling so dizzy and weak for days now probably because I lost too much blood. Three days ago I attached six medical leeches to my nipples and I am bleeding since then. Leech therapy and heavy menstrual bleeding at the same time is proven to be too much for me. And to top it all, I will have a dental surgery tomorrow. Bad timing. Hopefully I will survive :)
Anyway, those little blood suckers are wonderful creatures. For me it was the very first time to try medical leeches, previously I could only use non blood sucking leeches in my movies like The Bait, Bath Diver. Medical leeches are different. It is unbelievable how they can multiply their body size in a few minutes. After feeding they don’t eat for even a year or more, what an economical way of living!