Chili – Abby –

It was time for Abby to experience the heat of the chili treatment on her pussy! First, Jessica popped a few super-spicy chili peppers into her mouth and devoured them whole. Then, with her lips still tingling from the heat, she spat a mouthful of chili onto Abby’s pussy and massaged it in with her fingers. To really turn up the excitement, Jessica also gave Abby a good old fashioned pussy whipping while her poor pussy burned and throbbed from the chili peppers. And to make sure Abby’s pussy got nice and steamy inside too, Jessica slathered some red-hot chili pepper cream all over her sensitive areas and then gave her a good old fist pump!

Capsaicin Crescendo – Jessica –

At the onset, Jessica’s fingers danced like a demented waltz around the buttons of a food processor, feeding it with wrathful jalapeños and sinister habaneros. Soon enough, a molten lava of fiery hues spewed forth, splattering onto the vast landscape of her carnal thighs. A symphony of torment orchestrated by the cruel mistress, Capsaicin, commenced its relentless invasion through her delicate feminine flesh, transforming pleasure into an unending inferno. As the initial searing subsided, she clutched a whip, adorned with tendrils, mercilessly thrashing her exposed sanctuary, desperately seeking to resurrect the dying embers of spicy agony.

Chili – Jessica –

Jessica brought some hot chili peppers into the dungeon today. She put her ass on the floor and stuffed those suckers in her mouth like they were going out of style. Once she was good and numb, she let loose with a river of spit that soaked through her hairless crotch and made her pussy glisten. As the capsaicin kicked in, she went from zero to a hundred real quick. Screaming, thrashing, and wailing, she clawed at her skin and tore off her pantyhose in a desperate bid for relief. But the pain just kept coming, wave after wave of it, until she thought she might actually pass out. When she finally stopped convulsing, she pulled out a vibrator and gave herself a shuddering orgasm that left her spent and satisfied.

New movie on – Chili Cage – Holly

First we wanted to do a sparking cage movie with Holly but she gave up after one-minute electric shock on her pussy, it was too painful for her. Kudos to Nazryana, she could do it earlier. So I found out something else for Holly with the same setup. However I am not sure that it was a good barter for her since having hot pepper sauce on and in her pussy is probably even more painful than the electric stinger. But at least she did not give up this time. Actually she had several orgasms during this session. After the shooting she said that the vibe on her clit turned the crazy pain into crazy orgasms. The ice in her pussy also helped a little bit in the first moment but after removing the ice the burning pain got even more intense. She said that she would go to a date after the session. Poor guy :) I imagined how surprised he was when her dick got into fire after fucking her hot peppered vagina lol.


New movie on – Long March – Jessica

None of my girls are fond of the long march setup but I just don’t let them miss it out no matter how they try to postpone it. So now it was the poor Jessica next in line. The setup is the same as usual, first the twisted rough rope with knots, then the steel chain, after that the candles – these are for making the inner sides of the labias rough, preparing them for the final pepper sauce full of yummy capsaicin.

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New movie on – Long March – Tracy

It was Tracy’s time to march above the harsh ropes, the metal chains, the candles and the chili chains. The stuffs between her legs cut deep into her pussy while she was walking on tip-toes and her ankles tied to a spreading bar. Besides the pain, she was having serious balancing problems lol. When she had to walk above the candles she had an interesting jumping technique to quench the candles. Finally Tracy failed to finish walking above the chili chains because she was such a whining bitch and because Suzy was not capable to control her. I have never seen such a scarred domina like Suzy rofl. Have fun!
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New movie update on – Long March

This is a kind of old-school bdsm game boosted up with some extra pain. I had to walk above rough ropes, chains, chains smeared with hot chili pepper cream and magic candles. I had a spreader bar attached to my ankles, my hands tied behind my back and some weights pulled my pussy down. As I was walking on tip-toes and trying not to lose my balance, the ropes and the chains cut deeply into my pussy. I had some small abrasion and scratches. Then the salty and hot chili cream came. Oh my god that pain was so fucking intense that I screamed the hell out of that dungeon. When Tanita started to lick my wounded and chilied pussy made it even worse. The last challenge was the most cruel: I had to walk above magic candles. The magic candles relight themselves, using a fuse similar to those in dynamite sticks, the principle being that by igniting magnesium inserted into the wick of the candle, the paraffin vapour given off when a candle is blown out can be set alight, and through this, the candle can reignite. Needless to say that those small firecracker candles made me march as fast as I could.

The movie is available on

Sparking Tanita & Pepper Lesbians

I have so little time  for blogging these weeks :( I wish I had some help in shootings, video/photo editing and website management so I could have more time for writing blog entries.

First I thought I would just skip those movies which I had no time to write about but finally I decided to give a short sketch of them.

This time Tanita proved us that she has not just a sparking but a burning hot pussy :) Her pain agony triggered by the powerful PSG Max electro device was surreal, frenetic and beautifully honest. I myself hate electro tortures – in my opinion it is the most annoying pain ever – and there was some point when I pitied her and wanted to quit but Master realized my weakness in a moment and he took over the control from me so he also gave some big pain shocks to her pussy.

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