Hit My Clit – Holly – queensnake.com

This movie is all about Holly getting her clit mercilessly spanked for 3 minutes straight, over and over again. And when she finally gets a break from the constant pounding, I shove my fists in her pussy instead. The whole time, Holly tries to keep quiet, but you can tell she’s in agony just by looking at her face. By the end of each 3-minute session, she’s practically sobbing with pain.


One Reply to “Hit My Clit – Holly – queensnake.com”

  1. A very appropriate treatment for a beautiful, increasingly masochistic pussy with a bulging clitoris like Holly’s.
    But, for a woman as resistant to pain as Holly, I suggest increasing the spanking sessions to 4 minutes, and spanking with much more force. Spanking sessions of only 3 minutes are already very mild for a body as hard and muscular as Holly’s.
    -But what would really be great is if Holly agreed to receive an extreme full-body flogging of at least 200 lashes given with a hard bullwhip so that her beautiful body becomes even harder and, with the passage of time, she progressively manages to endure more pain.
    -I’m sure that a tough, pain-loving woman like Holly will be able to withstand an extreme flogging of 200 lashes (alternating lashes with thrusts from a dildo), without screaming and enjoying the lashes until she cums with pleasure.
    -Let’s encourage Holly to try it! Holly can withstand 200 lashes and many more! It will be her new record, and then she can boast of being one of the toughest and most pain-resistant women!

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