New movie on – Clit Piercing – Abby

Abby had a very small clitoris before she started to build her muscles, actually it was too small to pierce. But a few months ago she realized that it started to grow. By now it has a pretty big size, almost perfect to pierce some needles through it. So she did it.

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One Reply to “New movie on – Clit Piercing – Abby”

  1. This brings up an interesting question…how big does a woman’s clit need to be before you can “safely” stick pins/needles through it?

    I mean, I can understand why a permanent piercing might not be possible for various reasons if her clit is too small; but when it comes to temporary piercings, like what is being done to Abby in this video, I wouldn’t think that the size of her clit would matter all that much, except perhaps a slightly greater risk of neurological or vascular damage. Couldn’t those risks to a smaller clit be reduced simply by using a smaller gauge needle and being careful not to go too deep?

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