My first pain session this year

Yesterday we shot a toilet-brush-like movie but it was somewhat different. I was suspended upside down by one of my legs for about one hour and I was fucked hard and spanked with several kinds of cleaning brushes. Actually we collected every kind of cleaning brushes we found in the local DIY store.

Tanita was the domina and she took the job very seriously. She became a cruel sadist.

Today I can hardly move – all of my muscles are (from my neck to my toes) in pain – and my pussy and pee hole is still burning. Hehe it was a good start for this year and it was definitely harder than a workout in the gym!

These photos were made after the shooting. That red brush was also rotated inside my already destroyed pussy.

9 Replies to “My first pain session this year”

  1. “Stretched” : je ne peux regarder sans pleurer… mais en même temps quelle merveilleuse partition pour ta voix, qui ressemble en mieux à celle de Marie Callas la cantatrice. Quel merveilleux kaléidoscope d’expressions sur ton superbe visage de
    Déesse païenne qui mue et se transforme comme aucune tragédienne n’a su le faire depuis que le théâtre existe ! Ta souffrance est digne de cieux de tempête, bourrasques de neiges, mers déchainées aux vagues gigantesques, charges de milliers de buffles sauvages au milieu de la terre rouge d’Afrique, explosions de volcans, tandis que aux firmament des soleils se dilatent, explosent, inondent de flammes incandescentes le noir
    abîme de l’espace…
    Je voudrais entendre ta voix dire des mots apaisants et doux pour pouvoir me dire que ta vie n’est pas que souffrance.
    Je t‘aime.

  2. Huge fan of yours Queensnake. Truly your work if Fabulous…Just got some ideas for ur upcoming movies 1] Cigarette torture Interrogation scene concentrate on pussy and clit. you could add fireplay like candle under pussy. 2] Knife and Scissor play.Tease pussylips and clit with knife. Threaten opponents clit with scissor. Remember no blood… Blood spoils the fun 3] Walk the pussy through hemp rope 4] Sandpaper and toothpaste masturbation. UR AWSUM>>

  3. Magnifique “Nettles Lovers”! Il y a tout ce qui fait la superiorité de Queensnake sur toute la BDSM coincée et stupide du monde…
    Voir pour croire!
    Merci ô Reine!

  4. love the hairbrush video… her face as she cant scream aloud is priceless.. her feet also look exceptional in the sandals..her feet are meant to be tormented…
    please do another foot torture video as (personally) i think they are your best…
    thank you and keep up the great videos

  5. love the brush stuff, do wish you would try to push it a bit further and try some hard in-out fucking, try to ram it in and rip out multiple times
    and maybe try some punch fisting?

  6. I am speechless, I wish I was the lucky brush at your local D.I.Y. store…A or some toothbrushes with toothpast will cool you down after. LOL
    Any girls want to be “painted” with a brush?…Love your excellent work. :)

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