Le Cadeau

I got some very good ideas and stories from a nice French guy and he asked me to do a little BDSM play for him. I love virtual BDSM games and I really like him, so I did that session with pleasure for him.  He ordered me to pierce my both nipples with two needles horizontally and vertically and then I had to parallel the needles by twisting them. He asked me to make some photos but I thought he would prefered to watch the whole session so I turned on my webcam to record it while my master made some photos.

I have to tell you that piercing my nipples and any other sensitive parts of my body is still way too scary for me, although probably I succeeded to achieve some progress since “Sealed” movie in which piercing my nipples was a real horror for me :). It took about 6-7 minutes to start the piercing process, it was so hard to overcome my mental resistance and when the first needle pierced the top of  my nipple, I heard that weird splitting sound and I felt my nipple was as hard and solid as the steel and I wasn’t able to push the needle strong enough to go through quickly so the piercing process was very slow and painful.

It was a bit easier to pierce the second needle and the other ones but I was doing it still slowly. When all the four needles were in my nipples, I started to twist them. It was painful to set the needles parallelly and keep them in that position, so I tied them together with rubber bands.

And then my new little fellow came on the scene. I got a baby girl milksnake a few weeks ago, her name is Saffi and I wanted to show that beauty to my friend. I put her on my tormented nipple and she gave me some extra pain by pulling it with her moving body. I didn’t expect that Saffi would cause me pain just crawling on me, I discovered a new way of self-torture, LOL.  After putting Saffi back to her safe place I started to masturbate in all-four position while my legs were tied up with leather belts and my soles were prickled with thumbtacks by my master. I had a huge orgasm while I was thinking of my sadistic French man torturing and watching me.

After recovering from the orgasm, I pulled out the needles.  There were so much blood that I was afraid of bleeding out :). It was scary but of course it stopped after a while.

Finally I was very surprised when I watched back and rendered the movie, it was a  50 minutes scene. It seemed to me much shorter when I was tormented myself , maybe because I enjoyed every minutes of it.

The webcam video was a personal gift to my online friend, so I won’t share with you but I can show you some photos to make my story more exciting.

It was  a very exciting adventure for me and made me happy to give pleasure to him.

My friend was very happy and satisfied but my master wasn’t. He ordered me to attend on a “piercing training course” that means I have to be pierced at least with one needle (pin or any kind of spiky object) every day until he decides to stop. Interesting challenge, I will tell you about my experiences next time. Today is the fifth day of my training and I already improved a lot :).

18 Replies to “Le Cadeau”

  1. L’un des grands feux érotiques de notre Déesse la lave de son sang sourd des volcans de ses tétons pour nous incendier de plaisir…
    Imitons – la!
    Amour et dévotion…

  2. Dear Queensnake,
    Your fantasy and photos here are just so fabulously erotic. Un cadeau génial! Will you share the video with us sometime soon, maybe in a special new section of the website?
    Would be so cool

    1. Thank you for your nice comment Xenoathic. Maybe I should implement a “special requests” section in my website. I will consider it ;)

  3. The blood trails are very artful in a way, beautiful enough to hang on a wall even. Good job Queensnake you can take pain and pleasure, while merging it into art at the same time!

  4. Bonjour Queensnake
    Superbe séance, mais à mon sens, elle n’a rien de virtuelle. Si la présence de cet ami ne se faisait que par le biais de la webcam, il assistait bel et bien à la séance, et qui plus est, les tortures étaient bien réelles.
    Comme quoi, il n’est pas toujours nécessaire d’organisation sophistiquée pour prendre de grands plaisirs.

    Si je peux me permettre une suggestion, sur la base de ces plaisirs “piquants”;
    Inspirés par le site BME très intéressant à bien des niveaux, même si certaines pratiques extrêmes ne nous tentent pas du tout, ma compagne et moi avons pris plaisir à “décorer” son corps par de jolis rubans. En enfonçant un grand nombre d’aiguilles selon un dessin prévu à l’avance, et en tressant des rubans de couleurs entre ses aiguilles, nous avons obtenus de belles décoration du corps. Certes, les aiguilles ne sont pas enfoncées uniquement dans les parties les plus sensibles, il y en a partout sur la peau, mais rien n’empêche d’augmenter la densité d’aiguilles, là où ca fait vraiment plus mal.

    Nous avons été jusqu’à 72 aiguilles, pour dessiner un joli laçage de ruban, qui allait de ses seins à son pubis.

    Par contre, il est vrai que cette pratique est assez difficile à réaliser seule, en auto-torture, il vaut mieux que le sujet torturé garde son corps bien immobile, et que ce soit le compagnon, ou une amie, qui pose les aiguilles.

    Bonne douloureuse jouissance


    1. Moi aussi, j’aime la décoration du corps dans nos jeux bdsm. C’est très creatif et esthétique. Avez-vous essayé de décorer le corps en utilisant agrafeuse socle?

      1. On a déjà utilisé une agrafeuse électrique, mais uniquement ponctuellement, à titre d’essai, pas de vraie séance. Pas comme vous avez pu le faire dans la séance avec les fleurs, ou le dessin sur la fesse.
        Heureusement qu’il reste encore plein de choses à faire !!! rire

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