Abby has got some serious love for screws! To show us just how much, she hammered two of them right into her nipples with a screwdriver. But first, she made sure they were nice and secure by using lots of nails to attach them to wooden beam. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Abby went ahead and set fire to those sexy little screws and nails on her nipples, all while smoking a fancy cigar! Talk about turning up the heat – this girl knows how to have fun, and boy did she have an amazing time! She ended up having a super wet orgasm!
A side note for this post. This movie was originally shot to queensnake.com but we had to remove it from there because our payment provider said that it was against their rules. I and Abby are very sad about this, because she enjoyed this session so much and there was not even a tiny blood which is unbelievable by the way and of course no permanent damage either. It was a clean, pure and I think kind of artistic masochist performance from Abby. It is a shame that we had to remove it. Now it is available only for bitcoin on queensect.com.