New movie on – Push Pins

As an ex programmer I let you have a peak in my tech cave where I usually spend most of my days managing my site, editing the movies and answering you guys. Especially these 2020 lockdown days. So I have already used different kinds of office accessories in my movies but I realized that I have never filled my pussy with push pins so I thought it was the perfect time to do it. I tried different methods to cram those pins in, using my clanched fist, a plastic spoon but the classic speculum worked the best spiced with a toilet brush to help to keep the pins inside while pulling out the speculum. After carefully removing the brush the push pins stayed deep inside my pussy. At that time I had a sudden sadistic idea. I wanted to find out what a guy would feel fucking my pussy filled with those push pins. Since my camera guy was the only one unlucky enough to be around and also having a dick he had to jump in to be the subject for my little deviant experiment. The pain from the piercing sensation was so intense for him that he came almost instantly into my pussy right after I started to fuck him. Finally I could only remove the push pins from my vagina using the shower head in the bathroom. So don’t worry nothing stayed inside. I hope.

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New movie on queensnake. com – Thumbtack Dancer

This movie is for the foot torment lovers. I have to say that only the most masochistic girls are able to do it and Nazryana obviously is one of them. Dancing while a bunch of thumtacks were pierced into her soles made her cry like a baby. She was just weeping and screaming all the time and there was a point at the very end of this session when she screamed to stop and of course I immediately released her. But it was unexpected. Nazryana has never said to stop a scene before no matter how huge her pain was. This was the first time that she stopped it. So you can imagine her pain. But still she could have three squirting orgasm in the end. Lol. All is well that ends well. Please checkout my twitter for some extra uncensored scenes of this movie.

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New movie on – Snow White

Fucking my pussy with three hairbrushes at the same time is so extreme itself but you know me, I like pushing my limits even further – I was doing it outdoor in the snow and to top it all the forth hairbrush went into my tight butthole. The creepy sound of the hairbrushes as I moved them in and out was like they would have tore me apart inside. Although my pussy and anus was swollen and scratched inside (they healed in a few days), actually the snow and the freezing cold was even more painful than the hairbrushes.

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