Brushing Machine


When I bought the fucking machine my first thought was that I would replace the dildo with a toilet brush. I was very curious how it would feel and how painful it would be but I have to admit that I also had doubts that I could do it. Finally I did it as you can see.
It was even more painful than I thought. On the one hand it was difficult to find the right angle of the brush to go inside, on the other hand the more the brush moved inside my pussy the more pain and blood I had. It is not a coincidence that we used a pink toilet brush :) We had to stop many times to wash the blood out of my vagina and wash the blood off the brush because we cannot show any blood in our movies. But I can show it here.
We have already shot a similar movie with Tanita. See how bloody the black and white toilet brush and her pussy was before washing it off.


One Reply to “Brushing Machine”

  1. I really wish there was a way for you to show blood in your videos, I would love to see a lot more of that! Even if it would mean having a second site with bit-coin only subscription

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