New Blog Rules

Complying with the rules of my billing company I had to remove every content – even comments – which contains words and terms of nature’s beings which are not vegetables.

So please don’t use any words in your comments that refers to those nature’s beings. If you use such words I will get in trouble :(

Thank you for your understanding.

PS: My billing company found too many forbidden words in the comments so finally I had to remove all of them and disable commenting :(. Free speech on the internet and having an uncensored blog even if it is not connected to my paysite is not allowed. I hate this so much but I have to comply if I want my site to stay alive.

10 Replies to “New Blog Rules”

  1. Sorry for the very late reply on this thread. Just curious, though. QS, I remember a vid or 2 on QuuenSect involving what is referred to as “mud play” to keep Visa at bay. I have stumbled across more content like this from you as well on some of the larger portals. And I remember a post that I believe was here describing your fantasies of being locked in a portable potty (gone…).

    Is this (Visa) the reason you don’t engage in this type of play more often? I love your vids, and your muddy vids are insane (guess what my kink is :-p).

    Pleas keep doing what you do and don’t let vanillas get you down. Even if they have serious financial clout.

  2. Désolé, je fais l’impasse sur l’anglais que j’écris définitivement trop mal.
    Je tiens à travers ce message à vous féliciter pour ce blog. J’imagine les difficultés que vous avez déjà et que vous rencontrerez encore juste pour le faire vivre.

    Vos performances sont, ce qu’il m’a été donné de voir dans ma vie de plus troublant et excitant à la fois.
    c’est un peu comme si vous matérialisez certains de mes fantasmes. Votre imagination dans ce domaine va dans le même sens que la mienne…

    Je crois aussi que ce que les contrainte de langage (absurde) que l’on vous contraint d’observer et auxquelles vous vous pliez avec une telle adresse donnent à votre blog un style unique que vous ne voyez peut-être pas. Il est pour moi beaucoup plus qu’un simple blog BDSM …

    Donc, encore merci pour votre détermination et bien sure pour tout ce que vous nous donnez.


    1. Merci beaucoup Gwen pour vos compliments et commentaires gentils. J’ai besoin d’encouragement maintenant…

  3. I thought the whole point of having this blog separated from the pay site was to be able to post things here that the payment processors and whoever else have something to say over there wouldn’t like to see published.
    was this no longer the intention anyway, seeing that you also planned to remove the link from there to here?

    1. Yeah, that was my plan but it did not work. They told me that removing the blog link and separating it from my paysite does not mean that I can have uncensored content on my blog, they wanted me to censor my blog even after removing the link because there are links to my paysite from my blog. So actually I don’t have an other choice than censoring my blog either way.
      I know it is ridiculous and you don’t how I hate those rules but I have no choice, I have to comply if I want my paysite to stay alive.
      My payment provider just wants to protect itself and me from Visa. Visa rules the internet and limits free speech, unfortunately they have the power to do that :(
      It seems that even talking about nature’s beings in an adult oriented site is forbidden :( But I think it is just a weird fetish and not sex with nature’s being. You cannot actually have sex with those tiny creepy beings. It is rather about fear and disgust factor like in the reality shows, the only difference that they are not completely naked in those shows.
      It is so absurd that baking them alive in a frying pan and/or eating them alive and show this on TV is ok, it is even cool but letting them just crawl on a naked body is sick and worse than anything else in the world. So hypocrite!

      1. Visa’s days in that position may be numbered…

        (Generic web search reference verb) “Bitcoin”.

  4. Is “Pussy” a nature’s being…I guess it can be furry and wild sometimes…The world is being ruled by “Zombies”, a zombi is not a nature’s being is it…
    Never give up to the zombies…Lol :) Love your work.

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